Clairvoyant Medium
“Hello From The Other Side”
A reading is a method of obtaining information through Mediumship or Clairvoyance. Some of the topics that are covered in a reading are about people, places and situations in your Life. Past, present and future events are shown to the reader and these may be used by you to enhance your Life.
There are two main types of readings and a reading may contain both of these gifts.
Mediumship is the communication between loved ones or people who have passed over and are in the spirit world, and the person receiving the reading. Not all Psychics are Mediums, however all Mediums are Psychic.
Clairvoyance meaning “clear vision” is using psychic abilities to perceive information through extrasensory perception.
A Clairvoyant will receive symbols, words, pictures, sounds, shapes, smells and feelings and from this, interpretations and predications are made.
A Medical Intuitive is using intuitive abilities to read and diagnose the energetic information in and around the human body. An example of this is the Twentieth Century Psychic and Medical Clairvoyant Edgar Cayce….
A Reading is a guideline only. Individuals have a choice and are ultimately the masters of their own destiny.
The spiritual reason for the gift of Mediumship and Clairvoyance is to be able to use the information from a reading to learn, to bring awareness, to give hope and to bring closure for a positive outcome.
When readings are given, time frames for predictions do not exist in the Spirit World. It’s all in Divine Timing!
How Lorraine does her Readings
I am guided by spirit and can go into the past, present and future. Sometimes departed loved ones communicate with messages. As a Medium I can relay the message. Only the person receiving the reading will understand it and put the pieces of the puzzle together. They can then heal and move on.
As a Medical Intuitive, I can see and sense energetically if something needs to be addressed in and around the body.
What is a Clairvoyant Medium ?
A Clairvoyant Medium is someone who has psychic abilities and uses “clear vision” to communicate with departed loved ones from the Spirit world.
What is the difference between a Psychic and a Medium?
Not all Psychics are Mediums, however all Mediums are Psychic. Psychics perceive information where as Mediums receive messages.
How long does a reading go for?
Reading lengths can vary as it depends on the person receiving the reading and the messages that come through for them.